

I have grown countless varieties of plants in the North and I must admit that I have killed my fair share. But then, that is part of the evolution of a gardener in a harsh climate. Don’t view plant loss as a totally negative experience as you undoubtedly learned something in trying that specific plant plus it’s demise probably afforded you the space to trial something new.

There is a wide variety of great landscape plants available for use in northern regions. This page will feature some of my favorites. Keep checking back as the featured plant will change from time to time. Whether you are a novice or experienced northern gardener, you will be able find something that will add interest to your landscape.


Veronica ‘Tidal Pool’ – USPP 23341 (Speedwell)

Veronica 'Tidal Pool'This ground cover Speedwell from Dr. Jim Ault’s perennial breeding program at the Chicago Botanic Garden has quickly proven to be a top-notch plant. ‘Tidal Pool’ forms a dense, spreading mat of small green leaves with a hint of silver-blue and looks great throughout the entire growing season. This Speedwell will even tolerate light foot traffic. In northern regions, the 3″–4″ tall plant is covered with small, deep violet-blue flowers from mid to late spring into early summer. ‘Tidal Pool’ has proven to be an easily grown perennial as long as it is planted in a well-drained soil.

Veronica 'Tidal Pool'